How to Approach and Connect with Professors

I have had several requests for a post on approaching and connecting with your law school professors. I totally understand why people wonder about this- it is so easy to be intimidated by law school professors when you first start law school. These people are so smart and accomplished and it is hard to feel like you can approach them when you feel like you know absolutely nothing. However, if you never overcome this, you will miss out on a really beneficial process of learning from the professor and connecting with them outside of class as potential references.

The connections I have made with professors during law school has been one of my favorite parts of the process. Beyond the fact that I learn so much from them, my professors have helped me with issues in my personal and professional life. Getting over being intimidated allowed me to get to know my professors and form connections that lead to much better references. Here are my tips for approaching and connecting with your law school professors.

1. Don't be Intimidated
It is easy to avoid meeting with professors in the early days of law school because they can be so intimidating. One of my professors has 3 degrees from Harvard... just reading that on the website had me so intimidated to speak with him because I know I will never be that smart. However, the reality of that situation is that this particular professor is the kindest and most approachable teacher I have ever known. He will go above and beyond to help students. Once I got past being intimidated by his degrees, I went to his office for help and it made ALL the difference in my exam grade later on in the semester.

Some professors have a more intimidating persona in class than others. Again, once I got past being intimidated by that and went to their office for help, I found the professors to be exceedingly kind and helpful and much less scary when it's a less formal atmosphere than the classroom.

If you remain intimidated by your professors and don't seek them out outside of class, you will never be able to form any sort of relationship with them. This will render you just a name on the roster and a number on an exam and that will limit your possibilities for quality references when you begin seeking a job.

2. Find Common Ground
I have something in common with all the professors I have become close to in law school. With one professor, we bonded over the fact that we are both obsessed with our dogs. Another complimented my font choices on my outlines and now we talk about font whenever we cross paths (I realize this is the nerdiest thing ever). Though the bulk of my interaction with my law school professors is based on legal questions or my need for advice on the legal profession, it is the weird little common ground things that really seem to take these relationships to a slightly higher level and make me feel more comfortable with my professors.

3. Put Forth Effort
If you want to form a connection with a professor so that they will possibly serve as a reference or help you find a job, you had better put in quality effort in their class. No professor wants to deal with those slacker students. That will not set you up for success. Put forth effort in all of your classes but go an extra mile with the professors you are hoping to form a connection with. Raise your hand, ask questions, volunteer to do a case, go to their office for help. It's not that difficult and it will repay you SO well.

I have taken several classes with the criminal law professor at my school. Because I always participate in class, volunteer and go to her office for extra help, I have formed a very solid connection with her and she has helped me identify some career objectives and possibilities. Putting in the effort was not difficult but it has provided me with huge opportunities with this professor.

4. Be an Excellent Student in their classes
To expand on my last point, putting in the effort is good but being a top student in the class is even better because then those professors can say in a reference that you truly excelled in their class along with being engaged during class, sought out help outside of class, etc. When you have a professor that you like and a subject that you enjoy, gun for a fantastic grade in that class. Shoot to get the top grade in the class.

The professors I seek out as possible references as all professors who teach classes I excelled in. I have never gotten lower than a B+ in any of my criminal law classes; therefore, my criminal law professor is someone I will seek out as a reference. I have had my Moot Court advisor in several classes and I have done well in all of them; he is another one I will seek out as a reference later on.

5. Remember....
They were law students once too. They are people too. The ways you connect with friends and acquaintances work with professors too. Just stay professional and respectful and for goodness sake, be normal.

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