Law School Q & A

Happy Monday!!

I have seen a few other bloggers do something like this so I thought I would give it a try. I have done quite a few questions and answer sessions on Instagram and they seem pretty popular. But, I know not all of my followers are on Instagram and have not participated in one of my question and answer sessions in Instagram stories. I decided to take all the questions I have gotten and compile them into one big blog post that everyone can see!

The topics of the questions range from LSAT and application concerns to lots of during law school questions and beyond. I am going to sort them into a few Catagories to make it easier to navigate.

I hope this is helpful :)

Applying to Law School 

Helpful Blog posts: 

Preparing to Start Law School

More helpful blog posts to prepare for Law School

During Law School

More blog posts on law school 

Relationships or Marriage while in Law School 

More blog posts on law school and marriage 


  1. These tips are so useful! Not just for law school, but every school in general. I felt like a lot of people were 'cutthroat' at my university and it was just a 'standard' one. It was insane! Treat others how you want to be treated and you will attract like people - law of attraction and all that. I'm currently balancing work, part-time study to be a legal executive and being a solo mum - life is nuts! I can't imagine having a husband AND studying a full-on law degree on top of everything else! Props to you!

    xo, Victoria
