A Little Update in Life and Law

Hello all!

I have been so preoccupied with posting tips for incoming 1L's, I realized I hadn't really shared some of the big life changes going on in my life lately.

First up, a life update. As my Instagram followers likely noticed, my husband and I just returned from a week long vacation to the midcoast of Maine. We had such a wonderful time and enjoyed the scenery and time with family. We were overdue for some time to just relax together without the day to day stresses of being homeowners and dog parents, working and school. At just over a year of marriage, it is so nice to sit back and just enjoy each others company and remember that we are still newlyweds living our happily ever after. As for the midcoast of Maine, it is one of my favorite places in the world. I am going to be posting a travel guide soon for anyone thinking of taking a trip there.

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This summer I have had time to read some books I have been dying to read, catch up on some TV shows I enjoy, see some new movies and spend time with family. I have been making a point to put my new FitBit to use and I started running aagin- must get back in shape!

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I finally got to show my horse again with great success after a year hiatus.

I spent some time babysitting my little nephew- he is getting so big and my dogs just love him!

I chopped my hair off and it is the shortest it has been in about 10 years. I feel so light and fresh- nothing like new hair!

As for an update in my life legally, I am just about finished with my summer internship. I have been interning at my local Prosecutors office- criminal felony division.  I have absolutely loved my experience and I am going to miss everyone in the office dearly. I have learned so much through the summer and my writing and research skills are vastly improved. It has served to reaffirm my decision to pursue a career in criminal law.

As for next summer, I have already secured a position clerking for a local common pleas judge. I have worked with this judge some throughout my internship this summer and I am so excited to work closely with her next summer. She is 35, a wife, a mom, a judge and in every way a complete badass and huge role model to me! I am so excited for where that experience will take me and what I will learn... and it is a big relief to already have a position secured this early and not have to worry about it anymore.

I will be starting my 2L year in about 2 weeks and I am very excited for some new things. First, I was selected as a member of our schools Moot Court team and I will be arguing Products Liability. I am so honored to have been one of few selected out of our 1L class for this opportunity. Second, I will be working in my school's admissions office as a student representative. I will be giving tours, helping with social media, working the desk, etc. I will get paid through work study so it will be nice to have a little extra cash flow! I think it will be really fun and I am so excited to help welcome our new 1L class at orientation in a week or so.

Overall, summer 2017 has been pretty darn great and I am so excited for upcoming adventures and challenges. Thank you to everyone who has followed my little blog and my crazy life- the comments, messages, and notes I get just make my day!

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