1. CinderSwift Musical
I stumbled across this and oh my goodness. So adorable. A mix of two of my very favorite things- Taylor Swift and Fairy Tales. So cute and so well done.... who knew T-Swift related to Cinderella so much???
2. Target Beauty Box
I ordered this on a whim and I can't wait to get it. So many products for such a small investment. Has anyone tried this before?? Thoughts?
3. Dog Helps his Brother with Anxiety
Have you every seen anything this adorable??? I cannot handle the cuteness. We truly do not deserve dogs... they are too good for this world. You keep on hugging Watson!
4. Secrets of Great British Castles
Season 2!!!! YAY! As some of you know, I studied abroad in England while in undergrad. It was one of the best experience of my life and left me forever wanting to return. This show gives an in-depth look at many great British castles and beyond being super interesting and fun to watch, it helps to lessen my longing for England just a little bit. Season 2 just came to Netflix; I highly recommend!
5. The Skimm
I don't have time to watch the news, read the paper or generally keep up with the world. I don't like to be out of the loop though so I subscribe to The Skimm. Every weekday morning, I get an email with the news highlights worldwide with a healthy dose of humor. It is quick (I read it over breakfast) and informative. For all you busy people out there- I highly suggest it to keep up with the world!
Has anything caught your eye this week?
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